Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sofie's Friend Spencer

We have made a few really good friends in the short time we have been here, and so has Sofie. Meet Spencer, Sofies little friend. Well since he's 3.5 months older and a boy he's not little compared to her. In their own way they get along famously. The other day in the car they were looking at each other and talking. Though sharing is a few months away, I would say they do quite well. Spencer was also born at Rockyview General Hospital, so they have quite a bit in common.


On Monday we made perogies!! Our friends James and Kristina invited us over to their house for a perogie bee. All afternoon we sat and crimped perogies. 20 lbs of potatoes later we had 500 perogies. Then was the feast!! Ummmm... my first home made perogies and boy were they good. I ate till I hurt, and that is a rare thing for me.

Ben Mulroney

We ate lunch with Ben Mulroney on Sunday. Well we didn't quite eat together, but we ate at the same time in the same restaurant. I think he is the first 'celebrity' I've ever seen, so it was kind of cool. He looks exactly the same in person as he does on TV, fake tan and all.
Sorry we didn't have our camera with us, so no pictures.


We took Sofie swimming for the first time on Friday. Well first time if you don't count the time we took her to West Ed Waterslides. So really it's her second time, but the first time in a few months.
She didn't quite know what to think of the water. I was thinking that she was going to squeel with delight as she loves her bath. But she cried instead when a wave hit her. She was almost scared as she wouldn't relax her head in my hands and let herself float. But she loved looking at all the people bobbing around. So at least one good thing came of it. And she looked really cute in her bikini.