Tuesday, February 20, 2007


We took Sofie swimming for the first time on Friday. Well first time if you don't count the time we took her to West Ed Waterslides. So really it's her second time, but the first time in a few months.
She didn't quite know what to think of the water. I was thinking that she was going to squeel with delight as she loves her bath. But she cried instead when a wave hit her. She was almost scared as she wouldn't relax her head in my hands and let herself float. But she loved looking at all the people bobbing around. So at least one good thing came of it. And she looked really cute in her bikini.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sofie - rule number one of swimming is a cute bikini. It's a must. If you can't swim, not to worry, you'll still look cute on the beach ;)