Sunday, April 15, 2007


We finally had the new plumbing hooked up last week. It is so glorious. I love having a dishwasher again! I love being able to put water in the tea kettle without going upstairs. I love being able to put water in Sofies bottle without going upstairs. I love being able to wash her bottles. All in all I'm in love with the fact that I have water again!!

No pictures of the water... sorry


Michelle Service said...

What will the new workout be now that you don't have to run up and down the stairs???

Anonymous said...

The simple things are soooo pleasing once you've been without. Congrats on the new addition!

Jamie Hendricks said...

Pam I really enjoy reading your posts you can make the simplist thing like no water poetic to read ... glad to hear I was right about the flyer at the bottom of the page.. the work on your house looks good we also are living in renos but we have have a seventeen year old not a ittle one so I admire all you have done..