Well our life has made another turn, for all of us. Sofie's first tooth broke through sometime last night. I believe it must have been on Thursday or Friday around the time her nose stopped dripping, but the little tough kid wasn't grumpy at all. I found out on Monday when she pulled my finger into her mouth and it hurt!
She also is standing all the time now and took a tiny step the other day. She figured out somehow that she can go down stairs now if she turns around. She likes to turn around though about a cm from the top of the stairs. Makes her mommy a little bit scared, but she hasn't fallen. (yet!)
Jason found out last Friday that he has been accepted in the Kings University College in Edmonton for his Bachelor of Education. It means that we are moving again! So right now Jason is extremely busy trying to get our house ready to sell. Sofie and I went back with Jason's parents on Monday to get out of the house. We aren't much help with the renovations at this time as Sofie is a terror and well this leads to the next change... as I can't seem to keep my head out of the toilet. Yes, that means that another little Mestinsek will join our family sometime in December.
Sorry no pictures this time around.