One thing that I can say about old houses compared to new houses, is that they have character. It's not always good character, but character nonetheless. A person can't sneak up the stairs or from one room to the next as the floor will always tell you the exact location of where you are. And it's very romantic... Jason and I are always cuddling now, with a blanket wrapped around our shoulders, and o
ur teeth chattering away. Which brings me to our furnace. Now our furnace could be said to have a certain antique quality to it. I don't know exactly when it was built but I do know the last time someone came to look at it (according to the sticker) was in 1987. It takes up a quarter of the basement, and well to put it nicely, it is past its prime. But it has character! It pumps out heat when it feels like it. Which would be fine in the summer, however it never feels like pumping out heat when the temperature has dropped below -20. (and since we live in Saskatchewan...) It speaks to us, with loud bumps. Which actually according to the furnace guy are little explosions, as one burner doesn't work, or works intermittently, and so gas builds up until it ignites and a sonic boom rips through the house. If there were any ghosts in this house they would have been scared off long ago with the gun shots going off in the dead of the night. (Just wish it would have happened to the robbers.)
And then there's the character of our toilet. A lovely toilet, I'm sure it was, but well time hasn't been kind to it. No matter how much I scrub at it, it is always looking dirty. I've bleached it umpteen times, and it remains looking past its prime. I think all the cleaning has taken
it's toll as I think the dirt was holding it together, so this past week it decided that it had enough and broke. So we have had to resort to turning on the water to the toilet when we are sitting there in the hopes that enough water will be in the tank to flush it when we are done. But what the furnace and the toilet don't realize is that soon... oh very very soon, they will be reliving their glory days with other friends in dump heaven.
Do you want us to send you one of our Bathroom Readers so that you have entertainment while the toilet fills up??? Let us know. gmaj
Congratulations on being a character home owner. Once of my favourite parts is the lack of closet space. I am sure the gentlemen renovating the house next door appreciate my mad half dressed dashes to the basement for clothing.
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