Monday, January 29, 2007

And the Toilet Fights Back...

Well we fixed the toilet (by we I mean I watched Jason fix it)... but the toilet didn't take kindly to it, and leaked. It was a sneaky leak too, you wouldn't even know it leaked in the bathroom. We finally figured it out when I was downstairs in the basement (two stories down) doing laundry and stepped in a pool of water. So it got fixed a second time.... this time it retaliated by being noisy, but at least it doesn't leak, and we don't need to turn the water on when we go to the washroom. Thanks for the offer of the reading material though Michelle.

Sofie has a very busy week ahead of her. Today she had a play date with a 10 month old boy named Spencer. She didn't know exactly what to do with him, so stole his toy instead. She's going to go swimming with him again on Friday night. Tomorrow is a program called Mommy's Time Out. I go for breakfast with other moms and Sofie gets to play with other kids with a babysitter for two hours. And then she has music class on Thursday morning. So it's a very busy week.

1 comment:

Michelle Service said...

Glad to see that you are meeting some wonderful Saskatoonians! You will soon start to feel like you belong, eh? Have a wonderful day!